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Getty Images- NY: Naersiling – Front Row – September 2018 – New York Fashion Week: The Shows
XINHUANET | Brooklyn Nets celebrates Chinese Lunar New Year amid pandemic
The Straits Times| Brooklyn Nets celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year amid pandemic
China Daily | 致敬中国新年,布鲁克林篮网队举行春节主题之夜庆祝活动
Brooklyn Nets Facebook | Happy Lunar New Year from the Brooklyn Nets
Getty Images- Backstage- NAERSI New York Fashion Show
Business Insider- The Karlmann King is a $2 million enormous ultra-luxury SUV built upon a Ford F-550
World Journal | 篮网新春之夜 星光闪耀迎牛年
ELLE Magazine CN| FICFF基金会“Green Thread可持续创新计划” 年度时装大秀发布
CGTN | China-U.S. people-to-people exchanges event held in San Francisco
Cision- Toutiao’s 500+ Million User Survey Data Speaks on Fashion in China
CCTV News| 参加总台“春晚序曲 全球看春晚”活动 马斯克妈妈送上新春祝福
SOHU NEWS| 2020 Singing for the World唱响世界活动在Paula Abdul评委的见证下完美收官
NBA | Happy Lunar New Year